torsdag, mars 02, 2006

Emelie makeover

Okay, so I got this idea.

Yes, this is the part where you should take cover.

I'm going to do this extreme makeover thing. But on myself by myself and with a slightly tight budget. It's about 200 :- (about $25) plus my stuff at home. So, I got two things: bleech for hair and red for hair. Now, I don't want to be all mainstream (?) so I want to do something different. I will keep this blog updated during this evening and do this sort of ego project about myself because it makes me feel good to think that people might actueally read something.

Either that or they'll think one of the following:

-> What a stupid bastard
-> Such a diva

Well, since life is good and short,

I will do a whole project about myself because I am entitled to it AND it makes me feel good. DAMNIT. Swedes can be so careful at times..

"So, are you good at snowboarding?"
"Ehm.. I don't know. I can get from the top of the hill to the bottom without any problems."
"Wait.. You're [any name]?! Whoa! You won the Swedish championship! What the bleep are you talking about?!"

But then again, the alternative is:

"So, are you good at snowboarding?"
"Yeah, I won the Swedish championship, so I'm really good."
"Ah, I see." (walks away to another person) "Did you HEAR that? Such an egoist! Geeze, only talking about herself all the time. Thinks a snowboard championship is something big.. I mean. Only drug addicts and hobos enter those tournaments anyway. Yeah, I heard it from Margareta."

So, that's pretty much like the army.
(for those who couldn't follow there, google EDDIE IZZARD.)

Anyway. Time for a BEFORE PICTURE:

So, now I'm writing about an hour later. The bleech is setting in my hair. As I just told my friend, it's always so exciting since you don't know if you'll have any hair tomorrow. I find myself planning what wig to buy and when I can get one.

This time it's überexciting. It's not really what I should be using.. It's some kind of highlighter thingy. And it is NOT TO BE USED throughout the whole hair, and not too close to the scalp. Well, I DID use it throughout the whole head of hair and it did come quite close to the scalp. So.. Very exciting.

It's time like these when you realize that you need more excitement in your life.

Anyway, a picture update:

40 minutes later:
Well, progress report: unsteady.
Don't really know what happened here.
My orange hair didn't change much at all.. but my real haircolor got BLONDE. I mean.. It's really blonde. well. It's just as fine, because I still have that red stuff.

Mental note to self: Do not use highlight-haircolor to color all of the hair.

But there is a difference. And now I have to figure out WHAT to do with the frekkin' red hair color.

Positive about: My hair hasn't fallen off yet. My gosh I'm lucky.

Picture update:

Geeze, after midnight. Well, progress report: promising.

My fingers are covered in blood !!!

Mihihi. At least it almost looks like it might possibly be blood ^^

Since this is supposed to sit for about 20 minutes I will make this fast:

Picture Update:

The finale is approaching!!

My hair is finished. So, I started this post at 9 o'clock and will end it around 1:00 AM. That's a four hour makeover. The make up and clothes still remain though.

Well, are you excited? HOW THE HECK DID THIS TURN OUT?

Since I have no idea how to wear my hair I'm going to post three different pics of my hair.

Picture update:

FREDAG 11:30

So, my extreme makeover has now crossed the day-boundry. It is no longer Thursday and I'm no longer tired. Fell asleep on the couch and woke up having a small dog licking me all over the face. But I have continued the makeover. I put on some black/white clothes and I styled my hair. After that, it's make up time!

My hair is so clean, I washed it three times since they wanted clean hair. And when I say 'they' I mean the mean people in the huge houses where they make the haircolor that don't think about the fact that I want red hair. So my hair is basically weightless, cna't feel it on my head.

Hmm, I have a feeling you're not supposed to feel your hair too much.

Picture update:

It's make up time!

I'm going for a smokey eyes, red lips look. It's what I usually have, but it does go nicely with the hair.