söndag, juli 16, 2006

Where am I?

Ohno, sweet people. I was blown away!

It was amazing... This tornado came and blew me away! It swept me off my feet!

(hehe, get it?)

Yes, and being stranded on this island evolved this crazy humour! Tell me anything and I will laugh my booty off. Or actually.. Booty is a boot right? Like.. A shoe?

It doesn't matter. Because I am alive. The only pictures I have are in the sand, so I can't prove my exsistance. You just have to believe me! Or if you find this in the sand, it's my self portrait:

I have wandered and wandered for ever to get home to you, dear readers! Yes, both of you! And now I am back. Back to write and sing and play! I have been gone for very long, I know. There is a picture to prove it too!

But I am back and I will post stuff here. Hey, where are you going?


Blogger Allan said...

I get it!

10:04 em  
Blogger em0 said...

Of course you do.

11:25 em  

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