söndag, mars 05, 2006

Feeling so The Used

Okay, so The Used is now officially my favorite band. And I'm not going to do this post about what I like about them, since a picture says so much more. It's like that saying.. "If a picture says more than a thousand words, what does a movie tell you?". Yes, that's right. A music video.

So here it is. The song that moves my heart.
The one that sings me alive again.

The Used - Blue and Yellow.

Well, since I was unrealistic before I will not be able to publish a whole music video today.
Nice thinking there Emelie.

BUT, I'll say this:
I can publish the intro. Evertything made in PAINTBRUSH. Yes, you heard me. Paintbrush. Not Paint Shop Pro, not Adobe PhotoShop, not flash... The really bugdet program that follows Windows operating systems. With some help of the animation program UnFREEZ.



Anonymous Anonym said...

Jag undrar om jag måste vara engelsk ._,
Sksitsamma, du är eliten på paint.

8:30 em  

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