Swedish News
(excuse the poor grammar, I'm not used to the written language of news papers)
Okay, so... This isn't really a serious blog, compared to others... So people might not think I am interested in politics.. WELL, YOU'RE WRONG.
And why is that in capital letters? Because right now I'm pretty pissed. Sweden might be one of the best countries in the World, I love it dearly, but the laws are pretty messed up. Or.. The punishments I should say.
There is this case in Sweden that has been haunting us for a long time. In an area around a town called Haga there have been a number of rapes who seem to be fullfilled by one man. The same man. He has been called "Hagamannen" - the man from Haga.
Thrusday, 20th of July, a news paper called Stockholm City (equivelant to the "Metro") let us know what the veridict was:

Niklas Lindgren committed two attemps of murder and five rapes"
Yes, that's true. He got 14 years. Now.. He raped FIVE people and TWO of them he was threatening to murder. (and let me add the fact that the judge didn't pledge him guilty for another rape of a fifteen year old girl, because someone lost the evidence since there was no place for it.)
In the yellow box there are some interesting facts...

"Five women recieve 857 000 kr because of damage"
($1 = 7 kr. 857 000 kr = $ 122 430)
Woman A (rape, attempted murder)= Wanted 369 000 kr, got 314 000 kr
Woman B (rape)= Wanted 33 144 kr, got 11 594 kr
Woman C (rape)= Wanted 42 000 kr, got 5000 kr
Woman D (rape)= Wanted 95 000 kr, got nothing (this is the case I wrote about)
Woman E (attempted rape)= Wanted and got 42 100 kr
Woman F (heavy rape, attemted murder)= Wanted 320 000 kr, got 220 000 kr
And I don't know... Maybe they added some kronor because they knew they wouldn't get that amount but... Seriously.. That's pretty sad. But the saddest part is the fact that Sweden is ahead of alot of countries.
And I am not saying the Judge or Jury did anything wrong, because 14 years is the longest punishment anyone can get in Sweden. THAT'S what I'm pissed about.
Or "I sentence you to life in prison!" equals 8 years for some. Because what it means is you're in prison 'til the government let's you out. Who lives 8 years? Oh, yeah. The person who was killed by a guy in jail.
Now, it's probably hard to understand it if you don't speak Swedish, but it's hilarious.

Hilarious. Apparently we use the same word for 'over-weight' as we do when we mean 'majority'.
"Audience: 5 500 people in all ages, with a slight majority amongst 40-year olds."
I love Stockholm City.
Okay, so... This isn't really a serious blog, compared to others... So people might not think I am interested in politics.. WELL, YOU'RE WRONG.
And why is that in capital letters? Because right now I'm pretty pissed. Sweden might be one of the best countries in the World, I love it dearly, but the laws are pretty messed up. Or.. The punishments I should say.
There is this case in Sweden that has been haunting us for a long time. In an area around a town called Haga there have been a number of rapes who seem to be fullfilled by one man. The same man. He has been called "Hagamannen" - the man from Haga.
Thrusday, 20th of July, a news paper called Stockholm City (equivelant to the "Metro") let us know what the veridict was:

Niklas Lindgren committed two attemps of murder and five rapes"
Yes, that's true. He got 14 years. Now.. He raped FIVE people and TWO of them he was threatening to murder. (and let me add the fact that the judge didn't pledge him guilty for another rape of a fifteen year old girl, because someone lost the evidence since there was no place for it.)
In the yellow box there are some interesting facts...

"Five women recieve 857 000 kr because of damage"
($1 = 7 kr. 857 000 kr = $ 122 430)
Woman A (rape, attempted murder)= Wanted 369 000 kr, got 314 000 kr
Woman B (rape)= Wanted 33 144 kr, got 11 594 kr
Woman C (rape)= Wanted 42 000 kr, got 5000 kr
Woman D (rape)= Wanted 95 000 kr, got nothing (this is the case I wrote about)
Woman E (attempted rape)= Wanted and got 42 100 kr
Woman F (heavy rape, attemted murder)= Wanted 320 000 kr, got 220 000 kr
And I don't know... Maybe they added some kronor because they knew they wouldn't get that amount but... Seriously.. That's pretty sad. But the saddest part is the fact that Sweden is ahead of alot of countries.
And I am not saying the Judge or Jury did anything wrong, because 14 years is the longest punishment anyone can get in Sweden. THAT'S what I'm pissed about.
Or "I sentence you to life in prison!" equals 8 years for some. Because what it means is you're in prison 'til the government let's you out. Who lives 8 years? Oh, yeah. The person who was killed by a guy in jail.
Now, it's probably hard to understand it if you don't speak Swedish, but it's hilarious.

Hilarious. Apparently we use the same word for 'over-weight' as we do when we mean 'majority'.
"Audience: 5 500 people in all ages, with a slight majority amongst 40-year olds."
I love Stockholm City.
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That's crazy! Fourteen years max? I'm not huge on putting anybody and everybody in prison, but sometimes prison isn't just for punishment--it's protection of potential victims. Or protection for former victims who testified and who might become targets again when the criminal gets out of jail again.
Exactly my opinion too. And the thing is he has a girl friend right? And from what I've heard she's standing by him still. So I really don't know where hes going to get the wake up call. In 14 years I'm frekkin 31, the average age of the victims!
that does sound crazy!
once someone has done something like that, they have crossed the line and will probably repeat over and over. I agree they need to be locked away for the safety of others.
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