fredag, augusti 04, 2006

This is how you look up to your boss, because he/she is a hero.

This is a very good guide on how to fully appericiate your Boss. Remember, he/she is your superior and should always be loved!

Give him/her gifts. Maybe some chocolate or a raquetball game? Whatever he/she has as an interest will do!

Never ask for a raise. This will only trouble your boss, he/she already has alot to think about.

See the real hero he/she is! Without you boss the whole workplace would fall like a flunel in a cupboard!

This is for Allan. Now your Boss will LOVE the fact that you or on my blog and never bother you again!


Anonymous Anonym said...

LOL! Great advice. ;-)

5:07 fm  
Blogger Allan said...

I express my love and respect by arriving no less than two hours late every single day.

7:42 em  

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