fredag, september 01, 2006

War on mentor.

Okay, I can't recall talking sabout my "mentor", my head teacher. He is like a copy of Michael Moore. He's American, short, roundish and does documentary films.

Swedes see him as very weird because of his booming american voice and his temper, but I am used to this since I have my roots in Cali. I did the mistake of not reacting to his outbursts, since I knew how to handle them. We were broadcasting "live TV" (we were acting as we were, but it was only taped) and I got the role as the picture producer.

"Em, you're incharge of the picture" he said.

"Err.. sure." I said, not knowing what I was supposed to do. And then He said action and we were rolling.

It sucked, of course. And I was looking around making sure everyone did their job. Of course, that meant I didn't do my job. I thought I was supposed to check white balance and exposure and then I was inished, but apparently I was supposed to have my eyes upon the screens at all time.

"EMELIE!! You didn't have your eyes on the screens!! What the fudge were you doing?? That was a sucky job!! Blah blah"

Now, any Swede would just stand there and try to explain with tears in their eyes and not understand half the words. They would be afraid and just curl up. I didn't do that. I just stood there, yes. But I listened to him, let him express his anger and then told him slowly:

"I am sorry Mr. But we haven't gone through what I was supposed to do. If you wuld have told me you wouldn't have to stress about this. Now, I will do a better job next time. shall we continue?"

He was shocked. And he nodded.

Alla eyes wer upon me and big in awe. At least let me put a little bit of drama into it.

But as I said, this was a big mistake. Since then I have been his punchbag. Every word I say will be turned against me. An example: He is our teacher in Media. That is the class where we discuss he effect media has and power. We learn how to get or message out. In the beginning of each class we talk about the news and what is happening in the world. I won't expose the name of my town, so I'll call it Littletown. It describes it perfectly.

M: "Yes, Emelie?"

E: "Well in Littletown we..."

M: "Okay, how many in here ive a rats ass about Littletown?"

Three people out of thirty raise their hands. My friends.

E: "Well, I DO!"

M: "Okay, so what is happening over there?"

E: "Well, there's a rumour that The next EU-meeting is going to be held there!"

M: "Oh, why is that? Because no terrorist will find the place?"


E: "Hey! Oh, and.. We're having a vote about were to put our elderhome!"

M: "Oh, you're going to go into retirement early?"

Well, you get the picture.

But irony is on my side. This little scene took place yesterday. And today the biggest news paper in Sweden had LITTLETOWN on THE FRONT PAGE. Oh, I love irony.

Plans are growing. Wish me luck to master my mentor once and for all !!


Blogger Allan said...

You have taught him a lesson. Well done!
I'm proud of you.

11:16 em  

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