torsdag, augusti 24, 2006


"Yeah, I would like to get into politics"
"Oh don't. You don't know how to lie"

That's how I got interested in writing, because then I don't have to lie. (Plus I know how to lie in writing) I always thought it was unfair saying politicians lied. Because I've always had this dream about leading Sweden with my politics, if they wanted me to. I didn't want to lie about anything. But know I realize why all these people reacted this way.

I'm only seventeen so I'm not allowed to vote but I have more information about the different political parties than alot of people who are entitled to vote. I walked to the different places were they give free stuff, like broshures and flyers. I was so amazed about how they write in these things.

"THE OTHERS want to do this, and that sucks because you will suffer"

Why not skip bashing the other parties and just let them be? Please don't use fear. Wanna know why? Look at the American news. That's why.

"We're gonna help you by doing this and this and we are going to give more money to this and this"

But they're not talking about how they're going to get that money. For years our Socialdemocrats have said they are going to get the school finances together and that they are the party for the underpriveledged. BUT THEY HAVEN'T.

I am born '89. If you live in Sweden and was born '87-'94 you are going to go through "hell". Because Sweden was not prepared for you. Classrooms have 40 students, old school books and the morale is aweful. Twelve year old girls are posting half-nude pictures of themselves to be accepted, because they were born in the baby boom, so noone sees them.

I still have the dream of getting into politics, but with my own party. I'm going to call it "Ärliga Pariet", meaning "The Honest Party". I'm going to let everyone know exactly what plans we have. If they don't want to follow us that means we're not supposed to rule Sweden.

Too bad no one else is supposed to either. They're all lying to get that position.


On Saturday I am going to see Snakes on a Plane. I might see the best movie ever made. It's got everything:

and Samuel L. Motha Fuckin' Jackson.

I can't wait! Seriously. I've longed for this kind of thing. This fuck-you Hollywóod. I'm going to be laughing. Iäm going to be crying.

"We got BLEEP snakes on the BLEEP plane!"

This movie has reached Sweden. SWEDEN. Gosh. I'm psyched.

Oh, the soundtrack is the greatest. The catchiest song you've ever heard. With a great-looking blonde girl, a guy who looks like Johnny Depp, a "tough guy" and a cool reaggae/outkast guy. So everyone can enjoy it! It's frekkin amazing!

Of, the Johnny Depp look-alike is GORGEOUS. He is the singer of The Academy Is... They're great too.

Just thought you'd like to know.

söndag, augusti 20, 2006

ergh is exposed


Feared in many countries, so called 'ergh' (also known as The Gnibbler Nibbler) har terrorized the world of blog. He leaves small comments which seem harmless but spurr the life of bloggers to find this maniac!

Well, dear bloggers, I have done it. I have found The Gnibbler Nibbler. He is in a cage in my room eating acorns. And carrots. Whatever criminals eat.



Link update

I updated the link, the how-to-be-emo link.

I love that movie. You guys have to see it.

I don't have much to say these days, I'm sorry this blog hasn't been filled with to much stuff that makes sense. I'm just so psyched out because we're starting school. And I love school.

I have the coolest schedule. Sleep in on mondays, thursdays and fridays =) HEAVEN.

(I saw ergh the other day)

onsdag, augusti 16, 2006

School Start.

I'm so ready.

I'm so tired.

Sorry for writing this crap thing.

I don't know why, I'm just going at it.

Oh yeah, I just realized that the only boyfriend that has been all of these: funny, romantic, smart, rich, bubbly, made me chuckle AND gave me that spark of love... I was toghether with when I was 8.

There ergh, I'm talking about how sucky it is. Oh, and see you in school on friday. Or monday if your in the thirds. This is so exciting. It's turned into a hunt.

But the thing is I know who you are.. Or.. SUSPECT who you are. Give me a hint sometime.

måndag, augusti 14, 2006


Tänk på dom cancer sjuka. Tag med denna duva o låt den flyga från hemsida till hemsida. Please take the bird and let her fly from site to site and think about the people sick from cancer.

torsdag, augusti 10, 2006


Okay, so I never write about anything important, really. So I thought this would be a great first-important-thing. (After the Hagamannen-post)

I am onair on Soundic Radio this saturday! Swedish Time: 10 PM - midnight. New York time: 4 PM - 6 PM. And you can listen to me anywhere! The talking is in Swedish but if you mail the studio you can write in English and I will talk English to you in the radio!

And as important that might seem it's not THE important thing. On saturday we are having what we call The Cicilia Memorial Day. One of the Soundic Radio founders married a woman named Cicilia last year. She got pregnant and realized early on that there was something wrong, something different from the other three children she's given birth to.

She wanted to see the doctor and multiple times they said nothing was wrong but she listened to her instincs and finally they found a tumour big as an orange in her stomach.

This raised some panic. Their baby, Liam, was born early but thank God, he was healthy. But Cicilia still had to struggle against the tumour, an unusual cancer. The doctors said they were going to do an operation and she could be fine after that. But after the painful operation they told the family that they had found out the cancer had spread. She was not going to live.

She's been fighting the whole summer with chemotherapy and being in the hospital and they didn't know if she was going to live on her Birthday. This Saturday. August 12.

The webradio Soundic Radio (I work as a writer there) wanted to help her fight the cancer, so this Saturday we were planning on raising some money to help her fight the cancer. Cicilia started a fund to support research within this unusual cancer.

The thing is... Cicilia passed away just a couple of days ago.
She was 32 years old.
Left here are her husband and four kids.

Soundic Radio is now going to give 50% of the money we raise to her funeral and 50% to her fund. This Saturday. And anyone around the world can listen if you up to:

måndag, augusti 07, 2006

Wild day

X: Have you taken your meds today Em?
Me: No.
X: OH, well THAT explains why you're laughing at everything.
Me: Oh, so YOU'VE taken them?
X: Schhhh

"Are we getting old?"

I'm sitting next to X and Y. (Y told me I am not allowed to write their names on the internet unless I get approval from the persons involved) They're watching the TV, it's the European Championships in track and field. I'm trying to focus on my blog. Their quarreling gets to me..

X: Well, I mean.. I COULD be the fastest.
Y: Well, you weren't..
X: No, but I had the POSSIBILITY to be the fastest. Hey, I will never be able to do high-jumping!
Y: Well, you just have to come to terms with that. It's not good to be 40 and learn flipflopping. (my note: flipflopping is a kind of jump over the bar)
X: Well, isn't that the scissorthing? Or what is that?
Y: The scissorthing is when you go with one leg before the other. Y to the girl jumping on the mat because she made it: Don't jump into the bar!
X: Hey, that's stupid..

Now I tune out because I realize they are about to quarrel about some rules. But after five minutes they are getting annoying.

X: But I mean, I'm asking if..
Y: Well, I am trying to hear the commentators.. You are asking me things that the commentators are aswering but you have to ask me anyway!
X: So, you don't care about my questions?
Y: No, that's stupid! I'm trying to hear..
Me: Just shut up!
X: Oh, she doesn't like us.
Y: Are we getting old?
Me: No, you're not getting old. You acre old. And just shut up and listen to the commentators.

Of course, they won't shut up.

X: Why don't they have like bras for their butts?
Sis: Excuse me?
X: Yeah. Like this.. Lift and seperates. Your butt looks like your boobs.
Me: But if you lift and seperate your buttcheeks you're gonna poo in your pants.
Sis: EW! But I mean.. Does your hip hurt because your butt weighs too much?
X: ...
Me: Shut up. Hey, Jen, can I write your name in my blog?
Sis: Yeah, what are you writing about?
Me: Butt-bras.
X: No, Butt-cups.

Sis: Why does the hotdogs always sound like that when you microwave them?
X: It wasn't dead yet.

fredag, augusti 04, 2006

This is how you look up to your boss, because he/she is a hero.

This is a very good guide on how to fully appericiate your Boss. Remember, he/she is your superior and should always be loved!

Give him/her gifts. Maybe some chocolate or a raquetball game? Whatever he/she has as an interest will do!

Never ask for a raise. This will only trouble your boss, he/she already has alot to think about.

See the real hero he/she is! Without you boss the whole workplace would fall like a flunel in a cupboard!

This is for Allan. Now your Boss will LOVE the fact that you or on my blog and never bother you again!