The ultimate help-yourself-chart
My new friend Allan seems to have some kind of obsession with charts. You know the kind... The ones where some smart person entitled Dr. opened Paint and drew a triangle? Well. I am very surprised of the fact that Allan has not yet found the only and the ultimate help-your-self-chart. MY chart. I will guide you unaware ones into the power of the Emelie chart.
First of all we need different types of people. Because we are different. (Sorry to smack that one in your face, Sweden)
This is the list of people in the world:
A) Stupid
B) Narrow minded
C) Weak
D) Depressed
E) Perfect
Now you shall be tested. What person are you?
Test 1. Are you stupid?
Answer these q's either yes or no
Do you understand?
Select the text below this line to see your result:
If you answered no at least once you are a type-A person. If you are not able to read this you are very much a type-A person.
Test 2. Are you narrow minded?
Answer these q's either yes or no
1. All muslims are terrorists
2. All muslims are nice
Select the text below this line to see your result:
If you answered yes at least once you are a type-B person.
Test 3. Are you weak?
Someone invites you for a cup of coffee, what do you answer?
Select the text below this line to see your result:
If you answered anything else but yes or no you are a type-C person. E.g: It depends, I don't know, Who is it?...
Test 4. Are you depressed?
Do you agree with these statements?
1. I can understand why some people hurt themselves...
2. ...but I don't.
Select the text below this line to see your result:
Question 1. If you answered no you are not a type-D person. If you answered yes you are not a type-E person.
Question 2. If you answered no you are a type-D person.
Test 5. Are you perfect?
Do you agree with this statement?
I am as happy as the teletubbies (a.k.a. very very very happy)
Select the text below this line to see your result:
If you answered yes you are a type-E person.
With very advanced studying I have come to find out that not everyone will find that they belong in these categories. I have called them type-X. They are fine and up and running and will experience the usual ups and downs of life. Some people would call these normal. But I want a cool name for them. Plus the fact that most people would call type-E people normal. But they are so wrong.
This is my chart of how our society is built up:
The white dots are the type-X people. So now you know what type of person you are. Now how will you live a healthier life?
Be smart. Instead of reading magazines, read books. Instead of ditching school, go to classes. Instead of chatting with friends, surf for some facts about polar bears. Just do SOMETHING to enhance your intelligence. PLEASE. I beg you. We need to eliminate the dumb people (of course there are exceptions. This is not including retarded or mentally handicapped people, but I hope you understood that. No wait. YOU ARE STUPID AND PROBABLY DIDN'T.) Get a life, go to school and become smart.
OPEN UP YOUR MIND FOR GOSH'S SAKE! Stop seeing the world from your own eyes only. This is a frekkin planet with frekkin creatures. Nothing more to it. There is no right to kill or rape or brainwash. Stop looking through a tunnel. The world is not black nor white. It's grey and there is no ultimate truth. Why spend your time judging other people living their own lives? You can not force your own opinions on someone else if you don't plan on listening to their side of the story.
Stand up for yourself. There is no law who owns what chair on the bus. You are entitled to sit wherever you want. No, not all people are nice. They are not all thinking of not hurting you. They're cutting in front of you because they know they can get away with it. Are you really going to let that happen? Learn to say no and make up your mind. You can't help thinking the way you think, but if people ask what you feel or what you want to do.. They want to know! And you have no reason to butter it up or say: "It doesn't matter" if it matters. It's your opinion for cow's sake. The only thing no one can take away from you.
Yes, the world is a frekkin dark place. Yes, people suck. Yes, it's so unfair it's SICK. Show the world you are strong enough to handle this. Do you really want to die or feel this bad because of THIS WORLD? Seriously... Is this world worth dying for? Is this world worth ruining your life for? There is a reason you're feeling like this. And I'm not talking about the meaning of life. No, I'm talking about your DNA and your life experience. OF COURSE you're feeling bad. If you haven't been throguh stuff to make you depressed, then why would you be depressed?! But that doesn't mean the end. Show us you can survive this. Show the world that you will not let her win.
Continue with the happiness. Live the wonderful life. Don't let anybody stop you. But if you want to become the understanding and allmighty friend you have to come down to earth. Don't judge people before you've been in their situation. If you haven't seen the darkness, don't talk about it. Just live your perfect life and let the others live theirs.
I hope this helped some one. Because this world is becoming a very sick place.
Yours truly,
Dr. Emelie